Dar Al Reza International Academy
* Specialization in jurisprudence for the children of Baghdadi level *
*Appeal No: 01*
*Day: Monday*
*Date: 19-02-2024*
Peace be upon you and may Allah have mercy on you
What do scholars and great Muftis say about this issue?
* If a person omits Sanaa or Tawz and Tasmiyyah in the prayer, then the prayer will be completed by him?*
Please guide me in this regard.
Jazak Allah Khair
*Al-Jawb Ba’un Al-Muk Al-Wahhab*
*Praise be to Allah and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah
It is a Sunnah of prayer to recite Sanaa, Tawz and Tasmiyyah respectively after Takbeer Tahreema in Namaz. If the Sunnah is forgotten, the Namaz will not be invalid, and if the Sunnah is deliberately abandoned, then it will be a sin, but the Namaz will be completed and if If you leave it knowingly, it is disbelief.
Allama Muhammad Amin bin Umar bin Abd al-Aziz Abidin al-Damashqi (Alaihi Rahma) has considered these three (Sanaa, Taawz and Tasmiyyah) as Sunnah of prayer in his Fatawi Ibn Abidin.
*(Wal-Shanaa’ and al-Ta’uw’d and al-Tasmiyyah and al-Taameen) and who (Sirrah)* that
It is a sunnah of prayer to say Sanaa (Subhanak Allah), Taawz (Awzu Allah), Tasmiyyah (Bismillah Sharif) and Amen in a low voice.
(Rebuttal of Ali Al-Dur Al-Mukhtar, Vol. 2, p. 210, Kitab al-Salaat, Maktaba Rahmaniya)
Allama Muhammad Amin bin Umar bin Abd al-Aziz Abidin al-Damashqi (peace be upon him) says in his Fatawi Ibn Abidin:
*Abandonment of the Sunnah, no harm, no harm, no harm, no harm, no harm, no harm is caused by the abandonment of the Sunnah (prayer), nor is prostration necessary. Will be.
In the margin of this text, Allama Alauddin Muhammad bin Ali al-Hasakfi (peace be upon him) says that
(* Lo Amida non-mustakhif) If non-intentional, then Isa’at, even if it is disbelief*.
If he abandons it deliberately, he will be guilty, and if he abandons it knowingly, then he is a disbeliever.
(Rebuttal of Ali Al-Dur Al-Mukhtar, Vol. 2, p. 207, Kitab al-Salaat, Maktaba Rahmaniya)
Sidi Aala Hazrat Al-Shah Imam Ahmad Raza Khan, peace be upon him, says:
*Reciting Sanaa is a Sunnah, without which Salah is done, but abandoning the Sunnah unnecessarily is not allowed, and making it a habit will be a sin.*
(Fatawi Rizviyyah Volume 6 p. 182 Raza Foundation Lahore)
Allama Mufti Amjad Ali Azmi, peace be upon him, says in Bihar Shariat:
*If he forgets to read Sanaa, Tawz and Tasmiyyah and starts reciting, then he should not repeat that his palace has died* (that is, the prayer will be done).
(Bihar Shariat part 2 page 46 Mushtaq Book Corner Lahore)
* And Allah, the Exalted, Knows and His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, Knows *
Al-Mukhsal al-Fiqh al-Islami rank Baghdadi
*Abu Al Noor Syed Najam Mustafa Naqvi Naqshbandi Mujadadi Afi Anhu*