The order of Sajdah recitation regarding the recitation of verses

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Dar Al Reza International Academy
* Specialization in jurisprudence for children *

*Appeal No: 02*
*Day: Thursday*

Peace be upon you and may Allah have mercy on you

What do scholars and great Muftis say about this issue?
*Tell me the order of reciting Sajdah and also tell the method of how to perform Sajdah-recited.*
Please guide me in this regard. Jazak Allah Khair

*Answer is with Allah Awahab*

*Praise be to Allah and peace be upon him*

Those verses of the Holy Qur’an, which are called verses of prostration, it is obligatory upon the one who hears and recites them to recite prostration, and abandoning the intention is a minor sin.

In the commentary of two verses of Surah Al-Anshaqaq of the Holy Qur’an, Mulla Ahmad Jiyoon (peace be upon him) quoted the saying that it is obligatory upon reciting and listening to the verse of Sajdah.

* And when the Qur’an is recited to them, they do not prostrate (21), but those who disbelieve lie (22)*
Translation:- And when the Qur’an is read, they do not prostrate. Rather, the disbelievers are denying.

According to the interpretation of this verse, Mulla Ahmed Jiwan (peace be upon him) says that
Imam-e-Azam Abu Hanifa Numan bin Thabit (A.S.) protested with this verse that the prostration of recitation is obligatory.*

(Tafsirat-e-Ahmadiyya translator, p. 986, Zia-ul-Qur’an Publications)

Sidi Ala Hazrat Al-Shah Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (Alaihi Rahmat Al-Manan) says in his fatwa in this regard:
In waqayyah wa naqayyah wa mulatqi al-abhar it is: *Tajb Ali min tala ayah* (Sajdah is obligatory due to the recitation of the verse). It happens) and he says that it is in Khaniyah: * Sajdah al-Tlawat is obligatory upon Ali who recites the Sajdah or heard it.

( Fatawi Rizwiyyah Vol. 8 Issue 1249 p. 224 Raza Foundation Lahore)

Allama Muhammad Amin bin Umar bin Abdul Aziz Abidin al-Damashqi (peace be upon him) says that
* The ruling on the right to punishment, and the non-infidelity of Jahadah*
The ruling of Wajib is that abandoning it is a cause of sin.

(Rebuttal of Ali Al-Dur Al-Mukhtar, Vol. 2, p. 181, Maktaba Rahmaniya)

Method of Sajdah Recitation:-*
The method of Masnoon Sajdah is to stand up and say *Allahu Akbar* and say *Subhan Rabi’i al-Ala* at least three times. Standing is recommended.
(Dar al-Mukhtar Ali al-Dur al-Mukhtar vol

2 p. 700 Kitab al-Salaat, chapter al-Sajjud al-Talawat, Maktaba Rahmaniyah
Fatawi Rizviyyah Volume 8 Pg 239 Issue 1254 Raza Foundation Lahore
Bihar Shariat Part IV pg 41 Mushtaq Book Corner Lahore)

Allah Almighty knows and His Messenger (peace be upon him).

Al-Mukhsal al-Fiqh al-Islami rank Baghdadi
Abul Noor Syed Najam Mustafa Naqvi Naqshbandi Mujadadi Afi Anhu

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